Monday Morning Music Ministry

Start Your Week with a Spiritual Song in Your Heart

The Big “H”

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us (Romans 8:18).

I take comfort from that promise, but I never have read it without thinking in my spirit that there is also a warning; it is consistent with Scripture to think that the “sufferings of this present time” are not the worst that we may face. We might not be close to End Times. Whether believers shall be spared the Tribulation or not, it is very possible that things in this world will get very, very, worse. Much worse.

I have been contemplating matters of sin, lying, false witness, deception, and disappointment lately. Happy thoughts, eh? Very personal to me. There is a book soon to be published about a situation much in the news in recent years. The victim in the story’s center is an unassuming Christian who stood up for his beliefs, was crushed in the mills of Political Correctness, and found his legal case in the highest courts of the land.

I reached out to him when the news first hit the fan. I proposed telling his story in a book, or ghost-writing, and he expressed interest in me. Over a couple years I flew cross-country more than once to see him and interview him; I prepared outlines and proposals; I talked to my publisher and agent (who also visited him); friends graciously hosted a dinner at which we all surveyed plans to collaborate; and countless friends, mutual friends, and church groups kept this project in prayer.

“Long story short,” as people say, he started to fade. He was on media tours and distracted, he told me. I finally said and wrote, “Jack, if you don’t want to do a book, or you want someone else to help you, I will stop bothering you.” “No, Rick,” he told me more than once. “I want to do a book, and I want you to write it.” I trust the word of a Christian brother.

Well, a book is due to be released; his book, not written by him. Nor me. And by my own publisher, of all people. In my archives are there are no notes of thanks or apologies, and I suppose I’ll wait on my own for the paperback or movie versions.

Whether I am hurt materially is immaterial to this essay. Spiritually I was wounded, I will confess… but it is what set me to thinking about this topic, these related activities of people, mentioned above. And what is the Big H?

My friend Donald Phelps, one of our generation’s greatest cultural critics and essayists, and in the great tradition of James Huneker and Whittaker Chambers, wrote a piece years ago about the “H” – hypocrisy – for an alternative magazine. He clinically but compassionately dissected the unique nature of hypocrisy, and I wish I could share it all here. In my own flailing-fish manner I would propose that lying is something we speak, but hypocrisy is something we do. They surely are not synonyms, by intention nor effect.

In a secular sense, hypocrisy probably keeps the wheels of society oiled, yet we know that “great” and “small” sins are alike to God. And yet…

Hypocrisy is a sin unlike any other sin, Donald wrote; first, because it is almost always a connective tissue, an integument, for other sins – notably envy, greed, and cowardice…. Hypocrisy represents an almost perfect symmetry of emotion and judgment, neither quite prevailing; this also sets it apart from other delinquencies… cruelty as well.

Donald visited hypocrites of drama and literature (Moliere even wrote a play called Tartuffe, the Hypocrite); of history’s many examples; and Biblical accounts, for instance the Pharisees and followers who condemned Jesus while twisting Scripture to the priority of their prejudices; and religious people who accept only a percentage (and we may think, even a great percentage) of God’s word – hypocritically. “Pick and choose” morality.

These thoughts might have value beyond my venting; and I pray they do as you read. However it all points to a major crisis in our society and our government these very days. And in the corporate church – organized religion.

I think of Joe Biden. We frequently hear evocations of “Joey, the choir boy”; Joey at the altar as a boy; and press photos of Joe crossing himself and attending mass.

Yet the public-show Catholic Biden, in one his very first acts after inauguration, approved taxpayer funding of abortion programs in the US and overseas. He reversed a Trump administration decision to ban taxpayer-funded research using the bodies of aborted children… which has long been condemned by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

In testimony from Planned Parenthood, its Dr Forrest Smith admitted that there is “no question” babies are being aborted alive so that their organs can be harvested. An associate, Perrin Larton, admitted under oath seeing aborted children with hearts still beating. She said that “once every couple of months” a baby would fall out intact during an abortion, and would then be dissected.

Pope Benedict XVI declared that a Catholic politician who would vote for abortion after being instructed and warned against it “must” be denied Communion, and if that politician still attempts to receive the Holy Eucharist, the priest must refuse him. Pope Francis confirmed this policy, declaring that Catholic politicians who support abortion should not receive Communion. As Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, he wrote in in the “Aparecida Document”:

[W]e should… be conscious that people cannot receive Holy Communion and at the same time act or speak against the commandments, in particular when abortion, euthanasia, and other serious crimes against life and family are facilitated. This responsibility applies particularly to legislators, governors, and health professionals.

So we have the “Public Photo-Op” Joe Biden crossing himself and partaking of the sacraments, presiding over the killing of babies, and forcing us to participate through taxes. And we have the Catholic Church with its volumes of teachings on the sanctity of life, and rules for communicants, on the other side.

Question: Who is the bigger hypocrite?

+ + +

Sinners seek forgiveness; wayward evangelists and politicians sin and repent; yet the very public choice of ongoing hypocrisy unfolds on the nightly news.

Click: The Darkest Hour Is Just Before Dawn

Category: Contemplation, Government, Obedience

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8 Responses

  1. Georgene says:

    As a Catholic it has been an agony to see the USCCB drag their feet on calling for swift and faithful action for adherence to the clear teaching of Christ and the Church on this issue of receiving sacraments and and pastoral care of the unrepentant sinner. The big H hangs over Catholicism as the battle lines are formed by impatient laity.

  2. Thank you. Yes, it does hang over, as a threat… to integrity, consistency, and faith. It is a slippery slope to ignore it! “In the name of health” (experiments), Biden says. Not the health of the murdered children! And what a message to laity, as you say, and children joining the church…

  3. Katie Robles says:

    Rick, I’m so sorry you’ve been handed such a blow. To birth a project like that and have all your hard work be cut off…you have my sympathy, my prayers, and-if you’re in town-the use of my punching bag to blow off steam!

  4. Jo Hardesty Lauter says:

    I am a devout and orthodox Catholic. With all of my heart, I love Jesus, the Christ, Who remains the Foundation, the Way, the TRUTH, the Life, and the Beauty of Catholic Christianity. As a person of intense passion for the Faith, I despise the Hypocrisy and the Cowardice, the Duplicity and the Death of Honor that we’re seeing at every level of the Catholic Hierarchy –– in the same way that we’re subjected to all of these sins in the world, especially in the realm to which we euphemistically refer as politics.

    You ask – I believe in reference to the politician and the Church – Who is the greatest hypocrite? I add to your question: Who is the worst coward? Who is the most wicked liar? Who is guilty of the greatest sin? Who suffers the most from the misdeeds of others?

    Can these questions be answered? From my point of view, only God can say which of the perpetrators in this situation are most damned by their actions.

    I can, however, quote Our Lord on what seems to me the heart of this whole matter:

    “If anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” Holy Bible, Matthew 18:7 (NIV)

    “Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come!” Holy Bible, Matthew 18:7 (NIV)

    I can also say that Catholic Christians everywhere – including priests and bishops – are suffering to an unimaginable degree over the profound betrayal that is happening repeatedly, with neither compunction nor apology.

    Lastly, Rick, I have to add that the hypocritical-cowardly-counterfeit-Christian who lied to you and cheated you is just one of many symbols of this day in time, when liars live large, and the Faithful suffer for their honor.

    Woe unto those who haven’t yet considered the fact that hell is a hot place, and Eternity is a long time.

    Forever with you in the trenches,

  5. Thank you for this, AND your incredibly thoughtful response to the blog. My question, of course, was not “either / or” — nor was it exactly rhetorical. We all must consider what we see, and how we react… and respond. None are without sin, but… we have been given the TRUTH.

  6. Bridgette Ehly says:

    I was raised Catholic, and most of my Catholic friends are pro-choice. If the church really cared about these babies, maybe they would, too. I’ve been thinking a lot about the power wielded by religious leaders. I wonder if certain parts of the world would have been settled, and made profitable, by Europeans if they had not been led there by their religious leaders. This power includes the ability to separate, and therefore weaken, the faithful through matters of theology and tradition never mentioned by Jesus Himself. I fear these big church organizations put power and money ahead of fighting Satan’s agenda and encourage their congregants to be passive and submissive. If they did not, abortion would not still be legal and baby organ harvesting wouldn’t be happening on this scale.

  7. Thoughtful. Thank you; I agree. And it is a perfect example of how one day’s convenient practices can lead — often, in fact — to long-term, generational misery. Come to think of it, a pragmatic warning against hypocrisy. Deus ex machina is a solution that should be reserved for drama; in life it seduces and brings destruction.

  8. Gary Adams says:

    I just read this a week later. I think I would be looking for another publisher. I cannot believe your publisher would so backstab (no other word seems adequate) with not the slightest tremor of guilt.
    Condolences. But. God gives grace to the humble but opposes the proud. He has greater plans for you.

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About The Author

... Rick Marschall is the author of 74 books and hundreds of magazine articles in many fields, from popular culture (Bostonia magazine called him "perhaps America's foremost authority on popular culture") to history and criticism; country music; television history; biography; and children's books. He is a former political cartoonist, editor of Marvel Comics, and writer for Disney comics. For 20 years he has been active in the Christian field, writing devotionals and magazine articles; he was co-author of "The Secret Revealed" with Dr Jim Garlow. His biography of Johann Sebastian Bach for the “Christian Encounters” series was published by Thomas Nelson. He currently is writing a biography of the Rev Jimmy Swaggart and his cousin Jerry Lee Lewis. Read More