Monday Morning Music Ministry

Start Your Week with a Spiritual Song in Your Heart



January 23 is this year’s Sanctity of Life Sunday.

So as not to compartmentalize the observance, opponents of abortion point out that the date, each year, is the Sunday that falls closest to the 1973 Supreme Court ruling Roe vs Wade. Therefore an extra reminder is provided of the unsettled, and unsettling, issue in the midst of our body politic: legalized, and frequently taxpayer-subsidized, abortion-on-demand.

It was my privilege, several years ago, to manage an interview with Norma McCorvey, the “Roe” of Roe vs Wade. She is now a born-again Christian, deeply repentant of her role in a major American paradigm shift. She knows at least – let me say “she knows at most,” for God’s grace is the major factor in all we do – that she is forgiven.

We all can be forgiven of all things, and we all should always remember that. In the “abortion debate,” one of the things less useful than a spirit of judgment is a rush to judgment, by proponents of any viewpoint. Something that is admitted by most couples who agree to, or women who undergo, abortions, is that there is no such thing as the absence of guilt. But we should never believe, nor never counsel anyone, that there is no possibility of forgiveness by our own Heavenly Father. And therefore none of us, His children, should withhold mercy to repentant hearts.

So my thoughts are not “holier than thou,” as the saying goes. In fact, I am probably “less holier than thou.” Which is another way of saying that we all fall short of the glory of God. My opinions and convictions, as with so many things where the Holy Spirit has needed to drag me, have changed over the years. Thank God He never gives up on us.

Those who fall least short of His glory, however, are the unborn. Defenseless, unoffending, not able to speak for themselves – but occasionally able to cry before their lives are terminated – babies are sacrificed, not to assorted pagan gods as in ancient cultures, unless those gods are named convenience, avoidance, confusion, selfishness, numbed conscience. The culture and, God help us, the State, call them not human beings, but fetuses, blobs, tissue, and choices. The inherent contradiction is evident when we realize that schools don’t teach “blob control” and phamacists don’t dispense “fetus control pills.”

This week, a Philadelphia abortionist in a public and busy practice (a reported $15,000 a day business) was in the news. He, his wife, and several assistants were charged by a grand jury with eight murders – specifically, a woman and seven babies born alive and killed by scissors severing their spines. There are other charges, such as transmissions of disease and health violations, including a gory clinic, urine and blood stains on waiting-room furniture, and multiple fetuses displayed in jars. “Doctor” Kermit Gosnell is a Black man, to whom – one wishes to believe – the disregard of human life, the arbitrary reclassification of who exactly is human and entitled to what rights, ought to have mattered especially.

Shame on him and the angels of mercy on his paid staff. Blood is, literally, on their hands. On the other hand is, plausibly, society’s hand. Take note: The abortion mill was raided because it was suspected of writing illegal prescriptions for patients. The grand jury report blamed the murders on “lack of oversight.” The charges speculate that the nearly 6000 abortions performed between 2004 and 2008 were never fully investigated because the patients largely were “poor and of color.”

Abortion horrors, unfortunately, are not new. But in our culture, this
indictment tells us the new standards of morality:

The clinic was raided not because of murder and infanticide, but because it was suspected of making money by padding prescriptions.

The crux is not lack of conscience, no: “lack of oversight.”

And these procedures continued, an average of five aborted babies a day (if Gosnell worked on Sundays too) not in dark hiding, but in a street-corner clinic, name on the door and listing in the Yellow Pages, unmolested – not because he hid his activities, but because to inquire too closely was politically incorrect.

There will be tears of “compassion” from lawyers, for the mothers who didn’t want to be mothers (and let us not forget fathers who did not want to become fathers). But somehow, as always these days, not many tears will be shed for the thousands of children who are missing, never given the chance for their faces to appear on milk cartons, much less to have their own names, or graves.

Do we doubt that God “chooses life,” by which construct we all should too? Psalm 36:9 reminds us that God is the One who gives and sustains life. The most devastated forest, after a fire, somehow soon is repopulated by bugs and flies and creatures. The tiniest blade of grass, with no sunshine and little water, eventually will break through a cement walkway.

How, is the question.

Life, is the answer.

Not only are babies not “choices,” but our response to questions of life
should not be open to choice, either. Some things, even in America, 2011, cannot be left to standards of convenience or selfishness. Affirm life.

A tender but powerful song by Tommy Walker, sung here in a moving video by the great Paul Baloche, caps the message for this particular day of the Sanctity of Life’s continual observance.

Click: He Knows My Name

Category: Contemplation, Faith, Life

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5 Responses

  1. Chris says:

    If one looks at the world statistics for birth and death and causes of death it is hard to believe that THE most DANGEROUS place to be in the world right now is the mothers womb. Last year some 20 million people died worldwide in road accidents, some 15 million from cancer. Only 12 million died from heart attacks compared to greatest killer of human beings at over 40 million- ABORTION. How can any human, any society, any country jusitify this mass slaughter of human beings. We remember with horror the Second World War where nearly 60 million people died over 5 years in hope this will never happen again yet we turn a blind eye to the slaughter of over 40 million a year of baby humans..Enough is enough. It is now time for a world revolution against this evil practice.

  2. Beth Davies-Stofka says:

    Not only are babies not “choices,” but our response to questions of life
    should not be open to choice, either.

    That is the sharp truth emerging from a beautifully-written piece. Pregnancies are not guaranteed to be the genuine choices of women, because not enough men understand that “no means no.” And until women truly have control of their bodies — and men have control of their urges — we can at least be grateful that the country founded on freedom does not deny us — the female citizens — the right to choose what happens next. I know that’s not what you meant, but I am at my wit’s end trying to understand why the problem of abortion is isolated by Christians from all the other problems of violence, inequality, and injustice that underpin it.

  3. Chris says:

    While I feel sorry for the women who are used and abused by men it still does not give the women the right to murder her baby. There are millions of other women who long to have a baby but can not for physical reasons who would love to adopt babies who would otherwise be aborted. As for the USA being founded on freedom I am sure the founders of America many of whom came from my country(Ireland) would be horrofied if they thought their founding principles of freedom were now being used to murder millions of inoncent children every year. As for other issues of injustice it would seem from the outside that the USA is no differant from most other liberal countries who have departed from Christian values where the rights of the majority are ignored in favour of a ‘loud’ minority. At least children are safer here in Ireland where abortion is still illegal and society grants the real freedom and that the choice to live!!

  4. Beth Davies-Stofka says:

    Ireland might keep children safer, I don’t know. Ireland has a desperate problem with sex trafficking. My point is that more needs to be done to keep women safe. Your casual condemnation of women as murderers of millions does not raise my trust in Christian values.

  5. Chris says:

    Not sure where you are getting your information on Ireland Beth but we do not have a problem of sex trafficking. We had a major problem of sex abuse by priests of the catholic church which has been stopped but at least we have no part in murdering 40 million babies.!!

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About The Author

... Rick Marschall is the author of 74 books and hundreds of magazine articles in many fields, from popular culture (Bostonia magazine called him "perhaps America's foremost authority on popular culture") to history and criticism; country music; television history; biography; and children's books. He is a former political cartoonist, editor of Marvel Comics, and writer for Disney comics. For 20 years he has been active in the Christian field, writing devotionals and magazine articles; he was co-author of "The Secret Revealed" with Dr Jim Garlow. His biography of Johann Sebastian Bach for the “Christian Encounters” series was published by Thomas Nelson. He currently is writing a biography of the Rev Jimmy Swaggart and his cousin Jerry Lee Lewis. Read More