Monday Morning Music Ministry

Start Your Week with a Spiritual Song in Your Heart

What Did You Do In the War, Daddy?


That is the title of a Vietnam-era movie. About World War II-era Italy. It was the time when the early symptoms of Vietnam-war opposition manifested themselves in movies and books and TV shows that mocked war in general, denigrated the Vietnam war, and led to varieties of pacifism through American society.

In one way or another, the disaffection with things military has persisted, sometimes flagrant, sometimes dormant. The abolition of the draft, now 50 years ago, has insulated the majority of Americans from the most negative aspects of military life – interrupted careers and personal dangers, for instance; but also from service, discipline, sacrifice, and patriotic fulfillment.

The United States is not the only country without mandatory universal service. However, there are many nations that do require military conscription, training, and service. That list includes Brazil, Denmark, Iran, Mexico, North and South Korea, and Russia.

Famously, Switzerland requires that young people serve in the army for several years, and maintain weapons back in civilian life. Only a few years ago there was a referendum about abolishing this requirement, and it was defeated, including by three-fourths of young people. Famously also, little Switzerland, surrounded by many hostile and often expansionary neighbors, has not been invaded in more than 500 years. (Citizens are required to bear arms.)

Israel too is noted for its drafting of men and women into its military service. Without those men and women in uniform, one wonders whether modern Israel would only be a memory now, as of the ancient Israelites.

Whether viewed as good genii or evil spirits, there is no reentry to the bottle. It is hard to imagine America returning to a situation where its entirety of young men and women would be efficient in uniform, trained for combat and facing danger. No time… no ready resources… and, I regretfully believe, no physical competence nor emotional will.

A sad effect of the prosperity and “progress” in Western societies has been the loss of those virtues that once insured national safety and independence. Human nature does not change, and America’s false sense of security is built on several premises that all live somewhere between the naïve and suicidal – We trust in a monstrous military force. We believe that smart guys who invent things will protect us. We assume our political leaders make the right choices in diplomacy and military strategy. (HUH?)

We also, as a society, have an almost superstitious belief that countries that can challenge and defeat us… but, well, they just won’t, right? Or that countries that covet our land, our resources, our power, our riches… well, would not ever threaten or try a takeover, right? Nations that hate our history, our religion, our traditions… well, they’ll just leave them alone, right? They will pass over you and me and our neighborhoods, right?

All the times in history that every empire has fallen, it has been from internal decay and outside aggression beginning around the fringes. But… it will be different with us???

These are what we call rhetorical questions. For the here-and-now – this discussion – I want rather to bring it not to global matters or the sweep of history, but to you and me, and the people we see in our mirrors, and the families we care about. I return to that movie title, What Did You Do In the War?

Because in the drift we have charted (no, none of us are wholly innocent) we all will be combatants.

In the war to redeem Western Civilization, to salvage American institutions, and to defend the God’s church… there can be no draft-dodgers.

We can not rely on that modern version of a slave economy, the “volunteer military”… they are not slaves, but they are considered that, functionally, to many citizens who are not in uniform.

In the deadly (yes) battles to come, we will be required to go beyond the acts we think sufficient today… voting “correctly,” signing petitions and attending rallies, boycotting TV channels, and such.

We must think hard, and imagine the worst scenarios, because things are closer than you think. You must stop imagining “where things will lead,” and realize we are already in the middle of crises. You must stop trusting to the future, and see that the future is here – a dystopian future, the ugly opposite of Utopia.

Read ahead to the Book of Revelation. Revisit the lines in church songs like Onward Christian Soldiers. Realize: The Battle Hymn of the Republic is not a museum-piece but remains an inspirational call to action.

And Keep On the Firing Line – do you know it? – is not a Sunday School song from Rally summer camps.

What will you do in the war, Daddy? Mommy? Young man? Young lady?

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If you’re in the battle for the Lord and right,
Keep on the firing line;
If you win, my brother, surely you must fight,
Keep on the firing line.
There are many dangers that we all must face,
If we die still fighting it is no disgrace;
Cowards in the service will not find a place,
So keep on the firing line.

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Click: Keep On the Firing Line
Wally Varner and Calvin Newton – Keep On the Firing Line

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A site for sore hearts -- spiritual encouragement, insights, the Word, and great music!



About The Author

... Rick Marschall is the author of 74 books and hundreds of magazine articles in many fields, from popular culture (Bostonia magazine called him "perhaps America's foremost authority on popular culture") to history and criticism; country music; television history; biography; and children's books. He is a former political cartoonist, editor of Marvel Comics, and writer for Disney comics. For 20 years he has been active in the Christian field, writing devotionals and magazine articles; he was co-author of "The Secret Revealed" with Dr Jim Garlow. His biography of Johann Sebastian Bach for the “Christian Encounters” series was published by Thomas Nelson. He currently is writing a biography of the Rev Jimmy Swaggart and his cousin Jerry Lee Lewis. Read More